
Ladsies, is that true for most?

by Guest58530  |  earlier

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is it true what a female friend of mine told me, that when you ladies reel back the hand to slpa a guy, us guys can't block/avoid it? she says girls are too fast. i think i'd block it, she says no chance. hmmm. is what she says true?




  1. i once tried to slap a guy and he didnt let me lol he got my arm and blocked it so yeah some guys do block it and some dont ive slapped a guy and he didnt do anything :P lol but not like all hard (: unless he really deserves it  

  2. it depends.. mostly on the guy.

    if hes a good guy he'll ket u get ur anger out & hit him

    not so good guy he'll block it.. which will only make us angrier..

    think about it.,, if we hit u .. usually/depending we may feel sorrry that we did it & come bk and apologize = us talking to u again / feeling sry that we did it = a good thing...

  3. --slap--



    it sounds weird, but true.

    i mean, i haven't slapped many guy friends,

    except for the ones that get out of hand.:)

    they've never stopped me.

    but i think they just don't see it coming.

  4. It's just a slap, anyone could avoid it. But it depends on the individual's reflexes.

  5. haha, they can be really fast and unexpected so unless you know its coming....good luck!

  6. Why do you always ask this question?  Are you a m*******t or what?  Is that it?  

    Answer:  If there is a will, there is a way.


  7. if you saw it coming you could block it. but if it's out of the blue then you have no chance.

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