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do they symbolize good luck? and dont they also symbolize spirits? cuz this weekend i was sitting outside and i turned to the right and a ladybug was on my shoulder. my grandma died last summer and my uncle died february so if they do symbolize spirits maybe it could be one of them right? ik it may sound goofy and superstitious but this is what ive hurd. but it was weird cuz right when i looked on my shoulder and saw the ladybug, it flew away. so thats why im thinking it might be my grandma or uncle. what do u think? oh yea and also i saw a black ladybug, the dots where dark black and the back was light black, is it a male ladybug? lol.




  1. Yep, they are considered lucky.

    Not sure about the spirit thing, but they make me happy!

    And if you believe in reincarnation, then it may well have been a relative.

    The black ladybugs with red spots are a different spieces.

    Here's what the Royal Horticultural Society (here in the UK) has to say:

    "Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis)

    The harlequin ladybird is a new species to the UK. It has a voracious appetite and a longer breeding period than native species, and there are some fears it may out-compete native species.

    Where has it come from?

    Japan originally but it has been deliberately introduced into the USA and some mainland European countries as a biological control of aphids.

    When did it reach Britain?

    It was first detected in England in 2004.

    How did it get here?

    It may have come in on imported plants or cut flowers, it may have hitched a ride on a cross-channel lorry, or it may even have flown across the Channel.

    What does it feed on?

    The main food for both the larvae and adults are greenfly, blackfly and other aphids, plus some other garden pests, such as some scale insects. Like most native ladybirds, it will eat other insects if its preferred prey is unavailable. In North America, there is evidence to suggest that some native aphid predators are being eaten or out-competed for food resources and have declined in numbers as a result.

    Will it do the same here?

    Possibly, but it is too early to say if it will adversely affect native aphid predators, such as ladybirds, hoverfly larvae and lacewing larvae. A research group based at Cambridge University is monitoring the spread of the harlequin ladybird in Britain and its impact on other aphid predators.

    Should I stamp on any harlequins I find?

    No. It had already become too widespread and numerous in England before it was discovered for it to be eradicated. Killing them now will not affect its numbers and may lead to other insects mistakenly identified as harlequins being killed.

    How do I recognise a harlequin?

    The harlequin has many colour forms, some of which resemble those of native ladybirds. Common colour forms are black with two or four orange-red blotches on the wing cases, or red with up to 21 black dots on the wing cases. The harlequin is relatively large, being 6-8mm long; most native species with black wings and red blotches are 4-5mm long.

    For pictures of harlequin colour forms visit

    For pictures of native adult ladybirds visit and click on the common names in the table."

  2. one time there waz like a billon lady bugs at my house outside and after that all i had waz bad luck but then i got good luck sooo idk

  3. Here's what I've always heard:  if you catch a ladybug you will have bad luck.  But if a ladybug lands on you , you will have good luck, love will come to you, and you will get a wish for each spot on the ladybug.  Maybe the love that came to you was from your grandma and uncle. Ladybugs come in all colors, I don't think it has anything to do with gender.  I've seen black, red, orange, yellow, white, and kind of pinkish ones.

  4. It's a bug. They fly. You saw one. It could have been a wasp. What would that tell you? Believe in yourself, not magic.

  5. The luckiest thing about ladybugs is that they eat aphids and other harmful insects and their larvae.

    Any other symbolism is usually based on that.

  6. Yes they do represent good luck because they eat all the unwanted parasites.

    Here is the link:

  7. If a ladybug lands on you it is considered good luck.  I haven't ever heard of them housing the spirits of loved ones but if they had a strong affinity for these insects they could be sending you a message through that.  My mom passed many years ago and she drops pennies in my house.

    There are many beetles in the world they are actually the largest group of insects.  Blessed be.
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