
Lag problems... home network and gaming.?

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There are three computers hooked up to our cable modem in our house, 2 desktops and 1 laptop. There is no wireless. My desktop runs Vista, the other two computers run on XP. My desktop and my boyfriend's laptop are the two used most often, the other desktop is very rarely ever used or left turned on. My boyfriend and I often go on our computers at the same time, we spend a good chunk of time on them, the problem... my computer seems to suffer ridiculous lag only when my boyfriend logs into Ventrilo and starts playing games like Guild Wars, Counter Strike, or F.E.A.R. - he sometimes also forgets that he has MSN messenger running in the background whilst he's on Ventrilo and one of those games. The lag on my computer gets so bad that I can't play the games I want to play, visit my websites to check up on my stuff, or even go on messenger to chat with friends... but his computer suffers very little to no lag at all. Whenever I tell him about it he tells me that what he does on his computer will have no effect on how well the internet functions on mine... is that true? Is it just a coincidence or is there something that I can do to resolve this issue?




  1. What speed is the connection speed to the internet.

    You need to get another link to the internet run into your home.

    Good Luck

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