
Lamborghini replica?

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can i find a completed lamborghini replica for around 12-15,000.




  1. i don't think that exists sorry dude  

  2. Hello,

    I don't think so, most decent replica's are between 25 and 50K if you want it to resemble the real deal ... and for that kind of money you can start looking around for a real Lamborghini V12, the earlier models like the Espada, Islero and Jarama or even the V8 Jalpa can be found for this kind of money.

    The only problem would be maintenance and insurance, those can be rather high on a real Lamborghini, while a kit car remains a V6 with Fiero costs to keep it running.

  3. You can, but I've always thought those are really cheesy.  Most of them are built based on a Pontiac Fiero.  So you'd be driving around in a Pontiac Fiero trying to mimic a Lamborghini and people will probably laugh at you.

    The bottom line is, you can't make an American V6 sports car have the same essence as a mega dollar Italian V12 exotic car.

  4. why spent that kind of money and get a replica?
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