i have a draft cross who has been lame on her front right hoof now for about a month and a half. She had an accident when we were jumping and did a roll back and she fell all the way down on her knees. After that she was off for a bit but she didn't show any major signs of injury. she was riden after that and then we gave her bute becuase she was feeling a little bit sore about a week or so after the accident. Now a month and half later she is lame and unrideable. i don't know if she went lame as a result of this fall or if it is a result of something else but i am desparate for a cure. I've been resting her, icing/heating her leg, linamenting it, hoofpicking and looking for bruising on her feet (farrier said not an absess), felt for pulsing in her fetlock, there is no heat and no swelling so i don't know whats wrong with her. She's five and isn't worked hard so i don't think its arthritis. I am thinking it is a bone chip but i am not sure of anything right now. any suggestions?