
Lamest jokes ever wins?

by  |  earlier

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wat is your lamest joke ever?

ppl in my class tell all our teachers the same joke over and over and over again.

its this one: why did the lizard fall out of the tree? because it was dead!!!!

we always have tis awkward silence and then its so lame its funny.

there are other lamer jokes like why did timmy fall off his bike? cos he is a goldfish

why did tommy fall of his bike? cos his um threw a fridge at him........

can you beat it?




  1. What did the blind, deaf, paraplegic boy get for Christmas?


  2. haha heres a few me and my friends tell:

    What did Batman say to Robin before they got into the car?

    Robin, get into the car.

    What did the dog say to the tree?

    Bark! haha

    What did the apple say to the orange?

    Nothing! Apples can't talk.

    When is a car not a car?

    When it turns into a driveway!

    Why did the plane crash?

    Cos the pilot was a strawberry!

    Knock Knock!

    Who's there?

    Interrupting cow



    haha that's about all the lamest ones I have :D

    Hope you enjoyed!

  3. Q Whats green has 4 legs and if it falls from a tree it will kill you

    A pool table

    Q Whats white and if it falls from a tree it will kill you

    A .a fridge

    Q..What did tarzan say when he seen a  herd of elephants come over the hill

    A.. he said there's a herd of elephants coming over the hill

    Q,,What did tarzan say when he seen a  herd of elephants come over the hill with sun glasses on


    Q how do you catch a ford , bait

    Q how do you catch a chev ,.....A..chev bait

    Q NOW how do you catch a mazda


    what does an acorn say when it grows up!?

    GEOMETRY! (( gee-i'm-a-tree ))

    what do farmers do when it rains?

    they CO-INSIDE! (( go-inside ))

    my math teacher loves them.

    what makes these jokes so lame is that my principal told them to me. and while i was pretending to giggle, he was genuinely cracking up!

  5. Q.  Why did Jack and Jill go up the hill?

    A.  To fetch a pail of water!  Didn't you go to Kinder Garden School, you fool???

    Q.  Why did the elephant wear his red pants?

    A.  Because his blue ones were wet!!!.

  6. i don't think it gets any lamer !

  7. 1. Person 1: Ask me if I'm a tree.

        Person 2: Huh?

        Person 1: Ask me if I'm a tree.

        Person 2: Are you a tree?

        Person 1: No.

    2. Why don't anteaters get sick?

    Because they're full of anty-bodies.


  8. what's brown and sticky?

    a stick

    what is green and runs around your garden?

    a hedge

    what do you call a donkey with 3 legs?

    a wonky

    what looks like half a loaf of bread?

    the other half

  9. ok...

    so u r walking down the street and a zebra eats your shoe how many sodas do u have in ur fridge?

    answer:none cause a bear dont eat chicken.

    (yea my bestie told me that i was so confused but its was really lame so i laughed just for that reason.)

  10. I like the fridge The others suck I'm afraid!

  11. A man walks into a bar and says 'Is this some kind of joke?'

  12. A man Walks into a bar ......    OUCH!

  13. >> Clark Kent ducks into a telephone booth and appears seconds later as Superman...

    >> A little kid standing nearby looks up at Superman in awe, points & yells..."Hey, you wore those underpants yesterday!"

  14. A young boy had been taken for his first visit to a nudist camp by his parents. He was surprised at the different sizes of the male organs and mentioned it to his father. The father, being rather well endowed, explained that it was a measure of intelligence, the big ones being smart and the small ones being dumb.

    That afternoon the father was looking for his wife and asked his son if he had seen his mother.

    "I saw her about ten minutes ago, She was with a real dumb man, but he seemed to be getting smarter all the time.  

  15. why did the girl fall of the swing

    because she had no arms

  16. 2 blondes walked into a bar. Ouch.

    2 psychiatrists. One says "You're alright, how am I?"

    Why didn't the skeleton go to the disco? Nobody to go with.

    Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill? Ran out of juice.

    4 blondes walked into a bar. Ouch.

    Rick Astley. LOL!

  17. How do you keep an idiot in suspense?

    I'll tell you later.

  18. 2 snakes in the jungle. 1 says to the other "are we poisonous?", the other :" don't know, why?" 1st: "i just bit my lip!"

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