
Land/Cell Tapping?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question in the Cell Phone catagory as it possible to tap a land phone to cell phone line, not necessarily to hear the conversation, but just to know when the 2 numbers connect? It might be happening to me.




  1. cell phones are more difficult to monitor (tap) because of encryption and frequency.

    land phones are very easy.

    when you dial, and the distant party answers, polarity reverses (called party supervision). This might be the cause of any noises you hear.

  2. No its not possible.

    You can tap a cell phone very easy i wont go into details.

    A cell phone uses radio waves same as radios, walkie talkies etc.

    You dont need a warrant to tap a cell phone if the phone is analog because it is nothing but a radio while if its digtal you do need a warrant or probable cause .

    You can pick up a cell phone's radio signal with the right technology its extremely easy.

    Taps usually occur at the swtich company, a call may travel through several of them and any of thing could tap the call. They can record the call or anything you dont hear any sounds such as clicks on buzzing

    If you wanted to tap a phone just visit radioshack they have almost all the equipment you would need you just need to know how to put it together.

    Its easier to tap a cell phone than a landline phone btw all you need is another cell phone, computer and a little equipment

  3. I dont think it is because cell phones are on a different wave or frequency. If you have a cordless landline phone then yes, then you can hear other conversations from time to time.
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