
Land Prices / Property Development - UK?

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a couple of questions are;

1) are land prices falling similar to property values

2) [if there is] what is the average price of land per sq metre/yard or whatever its sold in

3) if utilities such as gas/elec/water/phone need to be bought onto the property from the main road, is there a guide price per metre/yard for laying the service

4) is a house build usually a percentage of what the land cost i.e 60/40 or 70/30 - also if its a bungalow and not a two-storey house can the costs be automatically halved

if you cant answer all, than any would be appreciated, also any good links for source of information you know of that may well have the answers to these questions

pls & ty





  1. 1. Agricultural land prices are rising at the moment, due to global food price inflation.

    2. Land is generally priced in £/acre (UK). Prices depend on all sorts of factors. Think £7k/acre for prime farmland. But land with planning permission to build will be much higher.

    3. Don't know.

    4. Land value plus building costs plus a profit margin for the developer. At the end of the day, what the market will bear.



    You'll find plenty of info on these sites, there is no such thing as an average price, it completely depends on the area eg urban, rural and geographical location, some counties are more desirable than others - you could find a good plot in rural Lincolnshire, for a single build at around £125,000 that in rural Staffordshire (or parts thereof) would cost upwards of £300,000 - take my word, been looking for one long enough!

    You can find guide prices for laying on services per m

    . No you wouldn't necessarily halve the cost, bungalow v house, as the bungalow will usually have a larger footprint and more roof! that's why not many developers build them.So far  think land is moving more slowly, but not cheaper, but you never know how much someone actually pays - unless it's at auction, for quite some time - that's if you want to follow up with the land registry, when you've missed out - can't say I've ever had that urge, just been too disappointed!

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