
Land Theft and Genocide Practiced by Israel and Supported by USA??

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Some jerk e-mailed me these sentiments in reply to my post about the recently-developed Middle East missile.

Theft and genocide. Jews have been the recipients of theft and genocide since the beginning of the Christian era and yet nobody makes much of a fuss. European countries and the USA were dilatory in getting involved in the n**i purge of European Jewry during the Holocaust. Much quicker to involve themselves in Third World matters.

Theft and genocide?? Victims are incapable of becoming victimizers. It`s as simple as that.

But it horrifies me to see that one jerk and probably many others are willing (once again) to allow Jewry to perish because of the disputed policies of one country which, ironically, has made enormous concessions.

No comparisons here with n**i Germany, etc. which already got a lion`s share of Jewish wealth from that of the converts. It wanted everything AND the extermination of the Jews. Israel gives and gives and gives.................




  1. You are right, Isreal does give and give and give....

    It gives poverty to millions of displaced Palestinians.

    It gives death to all those bombed out of their own homes.

    It gives instability to a region by being armed with nuclear weapons by the US, but threatening to bomb any other country wishing to achieve an even armoury itself.

  2. There are none so blind as those that cannot see

    or rather do not want to see

    The West Bank for example belonged to the Jordanians  and there is not one shred of documentary evidence that prior to Israels occupation of the land by virtue of defeating the Jordanians did Yasser Arrafat and the P.L.O ever claim that the West Bank was theirs, Now it seems it was theirs by birthright of their nation At least Hammas showed Arrafat for the lying cheating thief he was.

    It has to be obvious to the thickest that Jordans bequeathing the West Bank to the Palestinians was just a cynical attempt to keep anti semitism alive in the Area even though the Jordanians as a nation were too cowardly to even attempt regaining it. Typical Arabs all they want to do is beat their chests, fire their guns up into the air then run like F**k when another gun is actually pointed at them. In head to head confrontations unless its against each other (then its joint second) the Arabs always end up second

    Your wrong about victims becoming victimizers though many many abused become abusers.You say allow Jewry to perish ? I am not sure how we can prevent it  but one thing  I am sure of is if it is true what Iran says that their finger is on the button then Israel and the Arab World can look forward to Mutually Assured Destruction. I am certain Israel has nuke capabilities. Admission though ensures that aid from signatores to the likes of the strategic arms limitation treaty has to come to an end creating a hole in Israels defence expenditure.Britain did not sell heavy water to Israel for nothing.Well we let them have it for nothing but thats bye the bye

  3. It is interesting that you appear to have lifted your approach to political argument straight from Hitler / Goebbels.

    “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”.

    Your statement:

    'Victims are incapable of becoming victimizers'

    must be one of the greatest lies ever told. It is a fundamental precept of all psychology and psychiatry that victims are in fact those people most likely to become abusers (I use this word rather than 'victimizers' which I do not believe is an English word).

    'allow Jewry to perish '!!!

    far from perishing, World Jewry is probably at its strongest ever. From banking and investment companies to the high street names in every English town Jewish controlled businesses thrive. Over-representation of Jews in both politics and the judiciary ensure that the survival of Jewry is safeguarded for the foreseeable future.

  4. 'Victims are incapable of becoming victimizers. It`s as simple as that.'

    Now you're just being funny!

    Remember how Isreal's God lovingly commanded Israel to drive out of their homelands the unfortunate Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.

    They pretty much killed EVERY LIVING thing - according to the scriptures.

    When God told Israel to attack the Midianites they killed all of the men and burned their cities, sparing the women and children. Moses didn't appreciate this restraint shown by the soldiers and commanded that every boy child should be killed and all women who were not virgins. All virgins they were told to keep for themselves....

    That - if you ask me is genocide.

    Now as for today, things haven't changed much when you look at the Israeli army blasting the Palestinian lands to shreds.....

    Same ol' same ol' story huh?

  5. "Victims are incapable of becoming victimizers."

    How do you work that one out? You would hope that it were true that victims would not want to become victimisers but incapable - I don't think so . Look at child molesters - they were invariably molested as a child.

    Big mistake to split up Palestine the way it was after the war.

  6. You need an unbiased history lesson...

  7. Sounds funny but it's the tip of the iceberg.

    look up Eric Huschfield smith I think that's his name

    or go to

    read the info and be shocked at the truth!

  8. bull.

    these statements are just meant to sound cool and controversial but have no fact.

    look at EVERY muslim country in the world. They are all have a lack of tolerance to their non-muslim minority.

  9. Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how misinformed or misguided it may be.

    When I get emails like that I simply smile and delete.

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