
Land line problems?

by  |  earlier

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When im on the phone, it keep make a noise like some one is trying to dial out. like on a second hand set, which i dont have.

why any ideas all?




  1. 1] Cordless phone: you and a neighbor are using the same channel, one of you has to change channels.

    2] You have a Fax machine, satellite box, cable box or computer modem that is trying to dial out, but it thinks the phone line was hung up when it came onto the line. Sometimes this can be a configuration that is presently set wrong (as in a modem that has NOT been instructed to check for a dialtone before dialing), for this someone has to reconfigure that device (read manuals); sometimes this is caused by too many devices connected to the line, and the dialing device is not able to tell there is something already using the line (so even if it is set to look for a dialtone, it thinks there is a dialtone even when you are talking on it).

    That's all I can think of!

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