
Land lord says he signed up someone else to rent my room when i already resigned my lease to stay. florida?

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Ok so my land lord calls me today and says that the office made a mistake and signed a lease for someone else to rent out my room when i had already signed a lease to stay on. He tells me that they want me to move out so this other person can move in.

I tell him that this is their error and that im not going to leave.

he returns with well i can sign a peice of paper that forces you to leave within 10 days. What law is this? How is it possible for him to evict me when i have a contract stating that i am to stay in this apartment room for another year?

It is important to note that i live in a "college" apartment complex which rents out 4 people to 4 individual rooms within one flat. I have heard that these types of complex's have unique rules that apply to them.

The manager i was speaking with mentioned they would compensate me for my troubles in the form of reduced rent pay.

My question is: What should i do and if i am to negotiate with him how much weight do i have to work with?




  1. Check your lease carefully but I don't see how he could have you moved out in 10 days (unless you are violating some lease provision) I think he is just blowing smoke.  Stick to your guns and tell him you won't move and just see what he does.  

    If you really wanted to you could tell him you would be willing to leave for a price (maybe 2 months rent paid in certified funds to you before you leave).  Still, I'd just tell him sorry he made a mistake but you are staying and see what his next move is (if any).

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