
Land travel to Mexico in February 2008.. What do you need to get back into the US??

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I know the rules about passports have been pushed back but what is the rule as of 2/08? Can I get back in with a California DL and SSN card? Someone said I need a birth certificate but I don't have one. thanks for any help!




  1. You cannot use your S.S. card as an I.D., and you MUST have proof of your citizenship...your birth certificate.  when the time comes to get a passport ( and it will come in a few months), you must have a birth certificate.  If you do not know what office in the town where you were born to go to, here is an easy way.  Just use the search bar and type in "birth certificates," and the name of the state where you were born.  It will bring up the site where you can call or write to or contact on-line to ge a new certified copy.  It usually costs a few dollars...order TWO copies and keep them in different places at home so you don't accidently lose them together.    See site below and read top half of page carefully for the current passport and I.D. requirements.ou NEED a birth certificate this is the best thing to do.

  2. You need a birth certificate with your drivers license.  That is the minimum standard that is in place as of the end of this month, announced after delaying mandatory passports.

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