
Landline Charges?

by  |  earlier

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Is a landline ever charged a fee when receiving a call? Does it matter who your provider is? Does it matter if its long distance? I know you get charged for accepting collect calls, but is there any other circumstance or anything that you would get charged for receiving a call? Thank you.




  1. Generally speaking, no.  The cost of local calling is factored into your monthly phone bill.  Tolls are generally for outgoing long distance calling, but not incoming calls.

    But, VoIP is another matter.  I use various VoIP services.  One of my VoIP services charges for incoming and outgoing calls.... but the rates are very, low.  In the end, it averages less than monthly PSTN phone service.

  2. I worked for a phone company who had a very basic plan. It was 1,000 free local calling minutes and if you went over the 1,000 then you were charged a penny per minute. The minutes were incoming and outgoing.... So if you were over the 1,000 minutes and calls were coming in, you were getting charged..... Those plans are very rare nowadays but they do still exist. Otherwise, no. You wouldn't be charged for receiving a call, not even for a long distance call, unless a collect call.
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