
Landline phone vs. Cell phone.....

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We have finally come to the end of our contract for our landline. We were planning on cutting our service down to the basic now that we have cell phones. But if I just add another line to our family plan it will only cost us $10 as opposed to $40 for a land line. Anyone dumped thier landline and use strictly cell phones? Pros? Cons?




  1. cell phone babe!!!

    land lines are sooooo 1900s

  2. Today you have alternatives with telecommunications.

    Landlines were necessary for Faxes, DSL. LD etc. Today, improvements in cellular wireless have made that obsolete. You can get a wireless data card which is as fast as DSL for your computer and also make LD calls for free from your cell.

    Vonage and Skyype can plug directly to your DSL to give you LD and international calling for FREE just with your DSL. Remember, you do not have to use a landline to get the DSL.

    I can't wait to chop my landline to do the above.

  3. I don't use land phone or cell phone - I use VoIP over Cable Internet.

    Ok, VoIP over DSL, or even cable is a kind of landline, but it's not PSTN land line as most people refer to landlines.

    For me, cell phones are too expensive.  Sure they are convenient, but that convenience comes at a big price (compared to VoIP).  Even PSTN (public switched telephone netowork) phones are expensive compared to VoIP.

    So, I cut the cord on my PSTN phone provider and now use VoIP over my Cable Internet service.  I don't use the cable companies Digital Phone service either - too expensive also.  I use VoIP services that don't require contracts, are BYOD (bring your own device), and are only pay as you go.

    I configure my own VoIP ATA adapters for use with regular telephones, and configure my own user configurable softphones for use over the PC too.  So, by using services like CallCentric and InPhonex, BYOD, pay as you go, I'm only paying about $12/month (on average) for all my phone calling.... including long distance.

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