
Landlord has changed her mind.?

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we were scheduled to move into our new apartment August 1st. this entire month we have been fixing it up, since it was in bad shape ( all at our expense) and now she has said she doesnot want any one to live there. we have already given notice at our old place and need to be out by july 31st, we have spent nearly $1200 in fixing stuff, as well as moving costs and various other things, can she legally tell us no after all this?




  1. Do you have a lease?If you do take her to court.If you have a signed lease she will have to pay for the work you did and for your materials as well as any costs incurred because of her "change of mind".Such a housing expenses, until you can find another place to live etc.

  2. apparently she doesn't need help with the house payments. Let her fend for herself for treating you like this. As for the repairs, take her to small claims court to get your money back. She knew you where fixing the place up to live there, how else did you get inside to fix the place. She sounds like a nasty old woman, take her to the cleaners.

  3. If you have no lease you can try to say you had a verbal contract and take her to small claims court, hoping that you had a witness at least of your verbal agreement. You really may be out of luck, though, unless you have a signed lease. You shouldn't have put any money into anything without one, so if you didn't you now have an unfortunate lesson learned...

  4. tell your current landlord you've had a change of plans and aren't moving now.  Talk with the great aunt and tell her you want her to refund all your money for what you have put into the place if she refuses take her to small claims court.

  5. I dont know if the rule are the same in the whole country but, I think your screwed. you can sue for the money lost in repairs and moving cost, but are you going to sue a old lady that is related to you? try to keep the faith and pray because if you can be very nice to her and maybe she will change her mind. and if she doesn't s you can take back everything you put in the appartment. if she sees that you might do that she may very well change her mind. good luck April

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