
Landlord problems? Who's in the right?

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My boyfriend and I are currently each renting a room in a house, we have paid for all of August already and have another place to rent come September 1st.

However, just now one of my other housemates has informed me that the people who are renting the two rooms after us want to move in on August 23rd (ten days from now). First of all, we have already paid for all of August so isn't it legally still ours until then? Second of all, how can they give us ten days notice to ask us to move out when we're supposed to be renting this place for another 18 days?

We can't move into our new place until September 1st. We have paid for this place for all of August. Can they really kick us out just because the people renting the rooms after us want to move in, in ten days???

What are we supposed to do???




  1. Stay and refuse to move. The other people want to move in early so that they are not stressed by moving, in one day, on the first - so they are trying to pass the stress on to you. There nothing anybody can do about it if you stay - so stay.

    Just say NO!

  2. They can not do that. You have paid for the entire month of August and you can't be forced out before then. Just inform them that you have another place and will be out by September 1st. Even if they try ecivtion that takes 30 days and you'll be gone by then so do not worry.

  3. It is the landlord's problem, not yours.  He made a promise that he cannot keep, and because you paid up front, you have pre-paid for those days and they are yours.

    They CANNOT give you a 10-day notice to vacate, because you already gave them a 30 day notice that you were leaving...and a 10-day notice is an ILLEGAL EVICTION b/c if you were paying MONTHLY then the law says you or your landlord, has to give a 30 day notice.

    What you do:

    You tell them FIRMLY that you are not moving.  If they change the locks, call the police...the police will inform the landlord that they have to let you in and give you a key or they will give you permission to break into a residence...,and you won't be responsible for the damage.

    You cannot legally kick someone out on the street that has legal tenancy.  

  4. What they are trying to do is ILLEGAL!

    You paid rent till 8/31 - the unit is legally yours till 8/31, they CANNOT make you leave before that.  In fact they cannot even enter without giving you 24 hrs notice.

  5. What you are supposed to do is talk to the landlord, not listen to hearsay. Until the landlord tells you that, you don't have a problem.

  6. Stay there. They can't legally kick you out since you paid for the entire month. So don't worry about it, and continue to live in those rooms till your time is up :)

  7. You paid for it you get to stay.  

  8. As long as you have proof that you paid for August in the form of a receipt or a cancelled check you can stay through August and no one can kick you out.  

  9. If you are on a month to month lease, you paid to the end of August, and by rights can live their until the end of August.  If you have a lease that expires the end of August, and you are paid until the end of August, you have every right to stay until August 31st. Not that it matters, because you can't move in to your other place until Sept.1st, but did they even offer you a refund from August 23rd to the 31st.  

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