
Landlord request to keep bills in her name

by Guest66617  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever had their landlord keep all utilities in their name (heat, gas, electric, etc)?

I have never heard of it until know.

Can you think of any reason I should ask to have it in my name. Ex: proof of resident maybe

the previous tenants had everything in their name




  1. Its common, it just guarantee's that if you don't pay the bill, they can. Its nothing not normal. Its just a policy some landlords have.  

  2. I would ask for some clarification, as it could make it hard to prove you live there.     It sounds like they may be doing something dishonest and are covering their tracks, like claiming to be owner occupied.

    This is a problem for you because if they are claiming the property to be owner occupied they do not have it insured as a rental, their insurance will not be valid if you were to become hurt or have any claim against them as the policy is a fraud.

    This is not normal and I can not think of a legitimate reason to have it this way unless they are paying the bills, not you.

  3. is it a legal rental?

    sounds like the retal might not be legal to rent out and they want no proof that it is rented out.

  4. I've never heard of such a thing. I'd seek free legal consultation and try to understand why they'd want to do this. Do you have a rental agreement or lease?

  5. That is strange. . . . especially because last tenant had them in their names.  Perhaps the LL is trying to show residency in the house???

    Is LL paying the bills?  Or is it your responsibility?  If your responsibility, then should be in your name.  If LL is paying utilities, then no problem.

    This is strange!

  6. MY  brother does this on his rental house. Otherwise he has to pay for an "emergency" turn on when you move out and shut off the utilities. He needs the electric and water so he can work around the house to get it ready for the next tenants. He is good about providing the bills each month for the tenants to pay.  He is a nice guy so they don't mind.  .

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