
Landlord told me to sell my car?

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I'm moving into an apartment and with two other people, we all have our own car. They give us a parking spot and a garage. When I asked where we could park the other car, he said that we have to sell one car? Seriously? What to do? Can they not give us another space?




  1. If your only allowed 2 parking spots - you are only allowed 2 parking spots, Period!

    While the landlord cannot require you to sell your car - he is with in his rights to not allow it on the property. It is up to you to figure out what to do with your car.

  2. Your landlord will not legally have any right to another space.  I dont think he means for you to sell your car - just you will have to consider where you will park it because it's not his problem.  Often apartments come with only one parking space - unless he has purchased the right to another.

  3. ask if you can rent another space either from the landlord, or from another tenant that only has one car. be sure to approach humbly, and not in an upset manner.  something like, " i didn't realize that we had parking space limitations.  is there any way to accommodate the other vehicle? is renting another space an option, or are there any tenants nearby that only have one vehicle i can speak to about their second space?"

  4. What does lease say?  It should specify # of parking spaces included.  You need to READ the lease before you  sign it, carefully

    GET this straight BEFORE you move in

    They may have other spaces available, they may not, and they may charge extra for an extra space

    If lease says 2 spaces, that's ALL you get

    You may have to find alternative parking for one car

    Your posting is unclear, sounds like you got 2 spaces, now you want 3--or like you get 1 and were promised 2--not clear

    And if you signed lease with 2 guys and now it's 3, YOU guys are breaching lease

  5. Where do the guests park?

  6. They don't have to give you more spaces than the lease allows.

    Ask if you can "rent" the use of an additional space and ALL THREE of you should split that cost.

    Otherwise, only one of you would be paying more.

    That is an important question to ask BEFORE you sign the lease.

    He cannot require you to sell the car, but he also doesn't have to give you a spot.

  7. Well, he can't make you sell it. Buthe can limit the number of vehicles per tenant on the premises.

    My apt "rules" for instance, is no more than 2 vehicles per apt. Not saying I can't have more, just means parking is my responsibility, not the LL's. In other words, the additional space is not guaranteed and I hold responsibility of not taking up other tenants spaces. I could end up having to park 5 miles away if it means giving my neighbors parking spaces...

  8. was the parking issue talked about with the landlord before you signed the lease? is there are spots available or not?

    Need a little bite more info

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