
Lane splitting on motorcycle?

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So i just finished my MSF safety course and to my dismay they did not mention anything about lane it legal? should i do it in traffic? My understanding was that your more likely to get rear ended than cut off in traffic can someone clear this up for me/. btw i live in cali and ride an FZR 1000




  1. Lane splitting is legal in California (don't know about the rest of the country or world)

    The California Hwy Patrol website states that lane splitting is legal, but must be done in a safe and prudent manner.

  2. In Cali lane splitting is not specifically stated as illegal.  At the same time it is not specifically legal.  The rule says "thou shall not share a lane with another vehicle..."  The idea is that your riding with your good bud, so some times you might ride side by side.  If traffic is STOPPED a cop won't cite you for splitting lanes.  However if your "splittin and caving lanes" at 80, YOUR BUSTED.

    No other state in the the US has this ambiguous language.  Although while I travel outside of CA from time to time, I seldom split lanes because the road rage can be very hostile.

    I'm an MSF instructor in CA and I always coach students not to split lanes.  Basically it has risks and how you manage those those risks has a lot to do with how fast you are going and whether the traffic around you is moving.

  3. Run side by side, then soccer mom gets double points

  4. Lane splitting is illegal anywhere except California. In California it's a 'gray area'.  You can do it so long as you do it safely.  If a cop sees you doing it and doesn't think you're doing it safely, he'll give you a ticket for 'illegal lane change'.  But I have had cops on bike see me lanesplitting and not follow me or write me a ticket.

    The guidelines are that you can't do it if traffic is moving faster than a certain speed, I think 30 mph. And you can't go faster than x MPH more than the traffic, I think it's 20 mph.  But these are just guidelines.  I have seen young idiots zipping between cars in adjacent lanes on the freeway at 60 mph and that is definitely a no-no. (and STUPID!)

    I only do it when traffic is stopped, or nearly.  When both lanes are filled up, you are not going to have people changing lanes suddenly.  I just move slowly, in 1st or 2nd gear, past standing traffic.  If traffic is moving at 25 or 30 mph, that's fast enough for me not to lane split.  But I see lots of other guys on bikes doing it and I seldom see them dead on the side of the road, so I think I do it very conservatively.

    When traffic is stop-and-go and there are 'holes', i.e. spaces between cars in a lane, you often have people switching lanes quickly to gain one car length.  I'm sure you've seen this.  This is when it's not a good idea to lane-split.  These people never use their turn signals.

    Also, realize that if you get in an accident, if you scrape the side of a car or clip a mirror or something like that, all the drivers involved, and probably the judge too, will figure it was your own fault since you were the one lane-splitting.

    Also you are -not- allowed to ride up the side of the road, in the 'breakdown lane' or left of the centermost lane of traffic.  I'm not sure why this is, it seems like it would be safer!

    BTW, Yes, you are much more likely to get rear-ended if you stay in your lane.  A few years ago I had my car destroyed in a rear-ender.  He hit me so hard it knocked my seat back and buckled the frame of the car right in the middle.  Later I got to thinking 'Wow, what would have happened if I'd been on my bike?'  But in fact I wouldn't have been there if I'd been on my bike, I would have been moving up between the lanes!

  5. lane splitting and lane sharing is only legal in California and you are only allowed 5 mph faster then the flow of traffic if a sheriff or highway patrol feel that you are doing it in an unsafe manor you can be ticketed for unsafe passing

  6. it is legal, in california

    and most of the world... japan is great for it.(check out this youtube vid:

    however as mentioned above, be careful, be prudent, and watch out for the scocer mom who'll try to kill you. also, watch out for the people that are pissed off that you CAN split lanes and they try to hit you or keep you from splitting.

    good luck.

  7. It is legal, and it helps traffic move One spot faster. When the traffic is bumper-2-bumper it has been found that lane splitting is safer. Only watch out for those people who try to merge under this conditions, and those who might not see you, remember to always SEE. After a while you'll get used to doing it and U'll do it safe-r

  8. NO you can not ride side by side.

    You can be zig-zag (45 degree) of each other.

    Good Luck...

  9. Legal or not, I have never done it and I never will. Too many factors leading up to personal injury or death to be considered when attempting this maneuver.

  10. It's only legal in California. I would definitely do it in traffic. Its not about getting rear ended, its about continuing to move while other traffic is stopped. You ease congestion, plus you and your bike don't overheat from sitting there.

  11. It's legal in Pa. if there isn't over 5 bikes. I know, I know, but I don't make the laws.

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