
Language Immersion Programs....Homestay or Dorms??

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I'm thinking about doing an ASA ( language immersion program in Spain next summer. Should I stay in Barcelona in a dormitory and be allowed to explore the city on my own or with friends, or should I do a homestay with a native family in a smaller city/town like Cádiz or Conil?




  1. It really depends on what your goals for coming to Spain are.

    If you want to really immerse yourself in the language and learn as much as possible, homestays are best because then you get to really speak Spanish when not in classes. You also learn more about the Spanish lifestyle, traditions and culture because your family will get you involved in these things.

    If you want to go abroad and have fun, then yes, the dorms are best, but be aware that some dorms might have curfews, so theymight end not being so fun at all. Also, you may end up with lots of other people who speak English and then you'll never practice Spanish.

    IMHO, I would suggest that for the first time, you choose a homestay so that you get the most out of your experience. Who says your family won't let you explore the town with your friends?I had a homestay in Costa Rica and my Spanish improved tenfold! Also, I had good meals, and I came and went as I wanted.

  2. Dormitory?  do they really call them that?  I don't think so.  You'll more likely either have an apartment, or be in a Residencia (closer to a boarding house than anything else you've ever heard of.)  I don't think you'll find any "Dorms" in Spain.  but Barcelona could be different.  

    Do you want to be in a huge city like Barcelona?  

    I think the most important thing to answer here, is how old are you?  If you are still in high school, the homestay situation is best.  If you are in college, you might want to go with a more independent situation...and I'd recommend Conil over Cadiz...I don't know why, but I'm not overly fond of Cadiz.  and if you like beaches, Conil might be better.

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