
Language Study Abroad Programs?

by  |  earlier

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-Has anyone ever gone to another country to learn a new language?

-If so, please tell me what program you went on and how it was.

(Like did you go with a class .. did you stay in your own flat .. did you stay with a family?)

-I want to go to Switzerland to learn French but I want to make sure I find the best program possible.

-And please send me the site if you have it.

Thanks a lot =]

-PS. If it requires a good GPA, please leave it out. I need a program that will pretty much accept anyone who is interested. And no more than $6000.

-I also prefer a program that lets you stay in your own student flat or apartment because I don't really want to stay with a family. Just like the Swiss, I like my privacy =]

-I would love to go this summer, and I don't care how long it lasts. I am 17 but I will be 18 this summer. That might help.




  1. You are being entirely unrealistic; certainly about cost. It's going to be very expensive in Switzerland, particularly to rent an apartment (even a one-room studio). Add transportation, food, utilities, tuition, etc., and it gets pricey fast.

    You may want to look into non-university affiliated courses if GPA is a factor. I lived in Sweden for a year through my undergrad university and the minimum GPA requirement was a 3.5.

    Living in student housing is actually a great experience. You'll actually meet people from all over the world, not just the Swiss.

  2. I recommend you this University, check it out It is in Thailand, good facilities and instruction is in English with one department of Business in French.

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