
Language and Morality?

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I'm studying for an IB and am currently writing my extended essay.

My title is as follows "Is it possible to make any convincing statements about morality or is language too limited to express any kind of truth".

So far I'm looking at A.J Ayer, Russell's theory of definite descriptions.

I'm looking for other areas I could inmcorporate as I'm currently struggling to meet my 4000 word count.

Thanks everyone.




  1. Morality is easy.

    As I wish to remain unharmed, I will cause no harm.

    Anything else is obfuscation.

  2. I'm not sure how far Russell is going to help you on that. His work on definite descriptions is not specifically applicable to moral terms but he speaks at length about "the present king of France". He is more concerned about logic than ethics. Ayer may be helpful, but if I were you I'd stick to the "metaethics" philosophers who write extensively on the nature of language, truth and morals.

    I'd recommnend G.E.Moore's "Principia Ethica" and WD Ross on Intuitivism. Both conclude that the words right and wrong cannot ultimately be described in language but must be experienced (like the colour "yellow"). Ross takes his argument further than Moore into what is a form of deontological intuitivism. Worth a read!

    Also, a great person to read for your exact title will be Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" which raises the idea of "forms of life" in that different groups of people have agreed, tactitly or not, to what certain terms (including ethical terms) mean. Problems arise when different "forms of life" (and therefore people with different preconcieved meanings) try to interact and relate. Wittgenstein concludes that all the problems of philosophy, of which ethics is of course a huge part, boil down to "language games".

    Hope some of that helps!
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