
Languages for international finance?

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I'm about to start my college career and am majoring in international business with a concentration in finance. I speak Spanish fluently and am familiar in Italian. I want to go into international banking, but I want to find out what countries are big in international investing. I'm willing to learn an eastern language if that's what is necesary, but I would prefer a European country that's heavily involved in finance, as I speak two other European languages.




  1. The language of international finance is English. But it always helps when you know additional languages. You seem to have Europe covered. Except for the French, most other Europeans speak English very well. So, I suggest that Mandarin is a good language to know. The Chinese are sitting on US$ 1.7 trillion in reserves which will need to be put to use at some point. You can be pretty certain that a lot of business will come out of China in the future.

  2. Since you are speaking in English, I assume you know english.  If you speak Spanish and Italian correctly, then probably French is the next easiest language to learn, but German will probably be the most useful, especially since it is a number of the German speaking languages in Europe that are the centers of Finance.

    Good luck.  International Finance is going to be wild ride during the next few years.

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