
Laparoscomy and dye any one want to know anything I had it on Monday?

by  |  earlier

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Excuse the spelling not my forte, just to let people know I had a lap and dye under anasthetic on Monday to check if my tubes were blocked, all went well and I have no probs, if anyone wants to know anything as they are having it done ask away?




  1. thats good to hear all went well. i was ment to have one done in september last yr but i was pregnant and i didnt even know. i had been trying for 3 yrs for a baby and finally i was pregnant, so i saved myself 2 grand really. good luck and i hope it only gets better.

  2. Did it hurt? Lol i am suppose to get my tubes xrayed but i am sooooooooo scared i never went lol My friend went an she said it was the wrost pain ever so ya that kinda freaked me out. Been putting it off for a long time now but i know i will need one before my next appt. :(

  3. Glad to hear it all went well for you...I too have had that done but was not as lucky as you to have anaesetic.....Was not very sore but more and uncomfortable pain just like bad period pains but as it was for a good cause i didnt mind it as much...

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