
Laptop Internet Problem?

by  |  earlier

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For the past basically 3 months, our internet has been disconnecting and it usually goes back up quickly. But starting today, the internet has been acting weird. My PCs internet works fine, but laptop internet does not work. I tried Googling my problem but everything has big words and numbers. I'm an idiot so I have no clue what any of those things are or mean. I'm soo confused! @.@




  1. look here

    try changeing dns to



    also it should make you internet a little faster

  2. A question to help me answer your question.

    Does your laptop connect to the internet wirelessly?

    If so, is sounds as though your wireless router is culprit. Cheaper wireless routers are known to lose connectivity, and any device using them as a WAP (wireless access point) will go down when the router does. A router will miracously reconnect, only to later go down again.

    If this is the case, I recommend purchasing a new wireless router.

    Linksys, D-Link, and Cisco are all decent manufacturers.

    If you're Laptop doesn't connect using a wireless router, let me know what it uses, and I'll be able to better answer your question.

  3. You may need to contact your Internet Service Provider. It sounds like you are having intermitten problems with your connection. This could be on their end. If your running a wireless router then try refreshing the router, by turning it off for 8 seconds then turning it back on. Give it a few to refresh.

  4. From the Computer Tech:

    From the brief description it sounds as if you have a virus.

    You could ensure you have a good antivirus such as avast downloadable from the avast site if yours current one is out of date.

    Hope this helps,


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