
Laptop as internet souce for router

by Guest60569  |  earlier

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I have a laptop running vista that has a wireless card. I use a usb aircard for my internet. i also have a belkin wirless g router. Is there a way for me to connect the ROUTER to the LAPTOP and use the Laptop internet for the router so that i can connect other devices(laptop,etc.) to the ROUTER wirelessly.

This is the setup im trying to achieve: internet(isp) -> laptop -> router =broadcast a wireless signal througout the building.

thus enabling me to just connect to the router whenever with whateve wireless device i have.

Is this possible?




  1. There are routers that you can physically put the aircard in, but not a way to do what you want.

  2. Conehead's right... you should be looking for a "cellular router" that readily accepts your USB modem as a "source" and allows you to share the connection with multiple computers.

    The best one out there is this:

    you can read more at:

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