
Laptop as telephone?

by  |  earlier

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When I'm using my laptop and my landline phone rings in another room. Can I use the laptop to answer the call? If so, how do I do it.




  1. You can do it if you have a Voice-Modem installed in your PC and you have software, such as from NCH Swift Sound:

    Your Voice Modem will need to be plugged into the PSTN phone line to pick-up the calls...

  2. You can do it but its quite difficult to hold it to your ear

  3. If you got modem on your laptop then you can attend all calls by your laptop even you can call someone by your laptop but all you need software for it. I remember windows 98 cames with phone dialer but xp wouldnt :(. well you can still search phone dialer software online. Good Luck, cheers
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