
Laptop can not connect to internet?

by  |  earlier

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My laptop is showing it is wirelessly connected to the LAN at work, but it will not all go online... how can I get it to go online?




  1. When the internet signal turns blue. That means that your computer is connected to your router or modem. You have to have another thing that connects to your router or modem that connects to the internet. When those two things connect your computer will be connected to your router/modem and your router/modem will be connected to the thing that connects to the internet. That also gives you internet through your router/modem. If you get wireless and not LAN then you should use a cable to connect you to your modem/router.

  2. Are you using a router? Or a modem?

    Based on your answer to that, I can help you. I am a computer tech (work at a computer in support). I will help for free. Just email my work email:

  3. If its a a wireless connection at work, and you can't connect, they likely have it locked so random people can't use it... its best to ask your sys admin.

  4. ok just disconnect the thing then enable it then reconnect and it should work thats what i do and its worked

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