
Laptop keeps freezing. Is there any way to get the data off?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I turn on my laptop it takes forever to get to the start screen and when it finally does I can't do anything. My virus thing pops up and stays on the screen. I can't go to the start options. The hourglass just shows up and then my pc just stops working. Is there any way to get data off of it to transfer into an external or is it hopeless?




  1. Yes, you're best option would be to try and start the laptop up in safe mode.

    To get it into safe mode press and hold the F5 key on the keyboard as soon as you first power up. Eventually you will see a screen giving you a list of startup options. Using the keyboard arrow keys select the "Start using Safe Mode" option. The laptop will then continue to load up.

    When it loads up you will see everything much bigger but you should be able to access the hard disk and carry out many functions without it crashing out.

    Hope this helps. Stevie.

  2. 2 options are available for you

    1. You can start your lappy in Safe Mode and try and do a diagnosis of what happened

    2. If your only concerned with getting your data off, then remove your lappy's hard disk and place it in an External HDD Enclosure. Now plug it into another computer and store your precious data there (ensure this computer's antivirus is something rock-solid and up-to-date). Once you've copied off the data you want to save, then format the hard disk (do a full format, not quick format), replace the hard disk in your Lappy and reinstall your OS. Once that's done place your data back on your Lappy's drive. This might be tedious, but it's the best way of getting rid of a virus if that's the cause of the problem

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