
Laptop on belly?

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i lay on my back with my laptop on my bely im 16 weeks pregnant this sunday .. my belly tenses up when the laptop is on it .. is it safe for the baby the laptop gets hot




  1. Yes its safe. Your belly is tensing up when the laptop is on it because the laptop is heavy.

  2. i would also suggest that you sit on a table or something aswell ,because the fetus is very sensitive  and laptops emit  radiation waves like mobile phones etc and that cant be good for little baby, im 5 and half months pregnant and i get worried just sitting at my pc everyday.??

  3. i do that too im 5 months pregnant actually im doing it now...

    Ill have to wait for responses.... :S makes me nervus now because this laptop gets hot too.

  4. i dont think thats such a good idea, as who know what that large amount of heat can do to an unborn baby. and also it could damage the laptop by frying it or destroying the hard drive. use your laptop on a table. like the kitchen table

  5. I am 28 weeks pregnant. Although I am a young expecting mother, I have read and researched a lot about laying on my back, as this was the position I would fall asleep in pre-pregnancy. It is not good to lay on your back because the way your internal organs are laying, it creates a lack of oxygen to the baby... Significant loss of oxygen can cause damage to the developing brain... Also the heat from the laptop is not a good idea because,from firsthand experience of having an office job, Laptops can get really hot.

  6. i read that heat to your belly like this can be bad for the baby, so ive avoided having the laptop on my belly (i used to use mine like that too) they say not to use anything that gradually heats up or is excessivally hot (suana's etc) so i would avoid it

  7. i personally wouldn`t ..i say this because i have a bruise like mark on my leg from my old laptop which got hot underneath and it looks like a scar now..if your tummy is tensing up maybe your body/baby is trying to say something... i feel the heat from my new one on my legs too so imagine what this does to the tummy..!!!

  8. When I was pregnant all the heating in our house packed up, and we were too broke to install a new heating system. So I used to stand right in front of the oven at full blast and read books for hours on end. She came out just fine though. The only thing I would worry about is if there are any type of radio waves or something similar. Congratulations!

  9. i dont know about doing this when pregnant but i do know that if men rest the laptop on their thighs then it can make them infertile

    hope this helped good luck

  10. it isnt the best for your baby, the weight of the laptop is pressing on your uterus and it tenses up to protect your baby!
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