
Laptop only works when battery is not in and power supply is in?

by Guest34153  |  earlier

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My laptop only works it is plugged into the wall without the battery in, so if the plug gets knocked out for one second it shuts off, do i need a new battery or is something else wrong. It is a Toshiba Windows Vista laptop.




  1. this is why im a mac user

  2. I have a Toshiba & a Mac G4,  they both have their pros & cons. I'd say that your battery may be the culprit, if the battery has some age to it. If a battery is old (internally crystalized) then it must draw too much power & the laptop will not function. Have a tech evaluate/test the battery and to see what condition it's in as your laptop doesn't seem to be any of the problem. Always get a second opinion on any type of tech problem before you commit to any further purchase. There are ways to recharge your dead battery through CD charging & it will reinstate that crystalized battery, Google CD charging, capacitive battery charging.

  3. I would think it is safe to say you need a new battery.  THe same thing happened to mine, and a new battery solved the problem.

    Hope this helps.


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