
Laptop spilled tea on keys ?

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spilled tea on laptop keys not working any cleaner avalible?




  1. turn all power off leave to dry for 2-3 days then try it if you had sugar in your brew dry out then take to shop to get cleaned

  2. Buy a electrical cleaner in a aerosol can from maplins

  3. There are these alcohol tipped cue tip looking things you can get at office stores or online that we have in our office. Someone had the same problem and I gave her a couple and it cleaned it but if there's any other kind of damage then oops.

  4. if you have a a keyboard/mouse port just plug an external one in .... also works if keyboard is usb capable

  5. The only thing I can add to that is if there was sugar in that tea and that has got onto the motherboard you are in serious trouble.

    Sugar is carbon and when it dries it will short your motherboard. That needs to be cleaned by a professional who has the necessary solvents to get rid of the sugar.

    Sugar has the same affect as chucking a spanner across the terminals of a car battery!

  6. George has the correct answer. You will have to remove the keyboard from the laptop, its pretty easy to do. You will then want to have a look and see where the drink has gone and see if you can clean it. If you cant clean it yourself then it may cost a few quid for it to be cleaned at a technicians.

  7. You will need to take the keyboard out of the laptop, the screws for it are usually at the bottom of the laptop ( back of the keyboard)

    Use light  spirits to wash it, most often, it is too late to fix, so you may want to buy another keyboard of the internet and swap it yourself.

    Hope this helps

  8. Generally when any fluid is spilt on a keyboard one or more keys will never work again. The keyboard contains a sandwich of layers that suck up fliud like a sponge. It is almost impossible to remove it even with the use of solvents. A  laptop repair will probably be necessary  

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