
Large Hadron Collider? That **** is scaring the **** out of me.

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Yeah, well I'm just finding out the Large Hadron Collider (late i know:/).

Iso yeah i'm getting all nervous and ive been reading about this theories about this think. Some people is saying that cern or what is going a make a artifical black whole knowing that the thing might get out of control.And that its going to take 50 months for it to eat up the earth and it said something about the mayan calender ending, i forget but whatever.

And well...I want to know will this thing really going to **** up and kill us all?

If not, what are they going to do with it and how long is tthe lhc going tto be on?




  1. There is always a ready audience for people who say that the world is about to come to an end.  The audience was there two thousand years ago, and no doubt will still be there in two thousand years time.

    There is nothing happening inside the LHC of higher energy than what is happening all the time as a result of energetic cosmic rays hitting the earth. So you can rest easy.

    There are plenty of real things to be concerned about, but this is not one of them.

  2. You can relax... the mini-black holes it *might* create will be too small to matter, and they'll 'evaporate' into Hawking radiation within moments of their creation.


  3. Cosmic ray bombardment of the upper atmosphere produces larger explosions than the LHC will be capable of generating.

    Trillions upon trillions of these collisions have occurred every day for billions of years.

    Don't worry about particle accelerators until we start exploring stuff at the Planck ranges.  That'll probably be long after we're all already dead.

  4. The worst possible case... THE WORST POSSIBLE... IT CAN'T GET ANY WORSE THAN THIS!!!.... wait for it..... drum role please..... <narrator's voice> the results are in, the worst possible thing that can happen with the LHC is.... it doesn't work!! </narrator's voice>

    Its not going to harm humanity in any way.

    These black holes that they are going to create will be MAYBE the mass of a couple thousand atoms. In other words, they will have almost no mass at all. The gravitational pull with black holes is calculated the same way it is with planets and stars, etc. In terms of their mass. You multiply their mass by the gravitational constant (6.6726 x 10^-11) and that gives you the amount of gravity they exert. So for calculations sake, lets say that they defy all the laws of physics, and create a black hole that has the mass of a kilogram. So, multiple 1 by the gravitational constant. The answer you get is:

    .000000000066726 N of gravitational force. My dog was more of a gravitational pull than that, and the only thing he is sucking in is food! and occasionally a few other undesirable things.....

    Think about this, the sun's gravitational pull on the Earth is 3.53939062372E+22 newtons, and the Earth isn't being pulled into the sun yet my 1 kilogram black hole which is actually a lot more massive than all the ones they are going to create combined, is supposed to suck the Earth in? I don't think so.

    People automatically assume that a black hole has an infinite amount of gravity when it doesn't. Its gravity is calculated by its mass, just like everything else is. The only black holes that a capable of sucking in a planet or a star are super-massive black holes and to create those we would need a particle accelorator larger than our galaxy and this one isn't even as large as Delaware!

    And on top of all this, these microscopic black holes won't last more than a 1000th of a second before they evaporate.

    This thing will not go "out of control".

    The LHC is going to stay activated for as long as it can. It is going to help us understand the universe on the most basic level by testing the string theory, as well as helping us understand dark matter. It will be a milestone in science. CERN hasn't set a date for its retirement, but hopefully it won't be for a very long time!

    And, in 2003 the LHC was activated and performed the same type of black hole experiments it is going to form in a couple months, and look, we are still here!

  5. yes we are gonna die  

  6. No LHC will not kill us.

    Even if they succeed in creating tiny (microscopic Black Hole) they will (a) not suck in everything around us and (b) evaporate rapidly.

    Consider this: If the sun were replace by a black hole of the same mass, the gravitational pull on the earth would NOT change, we would continue to orbit. Granted the lack of light would present a few problems, but we would not be sucked in.

    The link to 2012 is hilarious - and all the 2012  nonsense is just that - nonsense - the world will not end in 2012! Not because of the LHC, not because of a pole shift, not because of Nibiru/Planet X

    Relax - and get on with your life...

  7. science has had particle accelerators around since 1937 and there's yet to be a world-ending event ....'re gonna live to be eighty, at least.....

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