
Large Hadron Collider

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My friend said the world will end 2moz becuase of the Large Hadron Collider

Is this true

What is it ?

What happens if it goes wrong ?




  1. if it did create a black hole it would last far less then a second, and would be microscopic, impossible of even sucking in dust...

    in adition it wont' be turned on til oct. 21st at the earliest (it's already been set back so many times already i won't be surpised to find out they pushed it back again)

  2. Sorry, but your friend is wrong.

    First of all, the LHC isn't going to start creating black holes until a couple months after activation. And these black holes will be so small that they won't have enough gravity to attract an atom, much less suck the Earth up.

  3. There are some crazy people who think the LHC will produce a black hole that will swallow up the earth. That will not happen. The energies in the LHC are no higher than other collisions that happen naturally, so if it could happen it would already have happened. If something goes wrong it will just stop working.

  4. This is a very large machine that will send atoms racing at the speed of light and then will collide them  at the time of the collision they are going to look to see what makes up a atom they already know atoms have other parts to it now they want to know if those parts are made up of other parts and this machine should find this out. now they are saying its possible that a black hole may open up however its going to be microscopic and will not be able to do any harm due to its size and will begin to quickly evaporate as soon as its formed the only other theory i heard that might happen is when the atoms reach the speed of light right before it crashes a window in time may open however i find this theory hard to believe and even if this theory would come true it would be a great advantage and not something to worry about  

  5. So, did your friend actually do any research on the LHC?  Did you?

    Anyone can say anything, that doesn't mean its right.

    Your friend is wrong.  The LHC can't end the world.  Its just one more particle accelerator (there are several in the world already, the ones at CERN has been running for decades).

  6. The Large Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator that has been retrofitted to accelerate protons at nearly the speed of light in opposite directions until they slam in to each other in a head on collision.  Thing body really knows what is going to happen.  A lot of theories are being constructed such as a so called "God particle" or minature black holes.  I got to admit that among the strong curiosity I have to what will happen...I am also a bit worried.  But we are just going to have to wait and see.

  7. No LHC will not kill us.

    Even if they succeed in creating tiny (microscopic Black Hole) they will (a) not suck in everything around us and (b) evaporate rapidly.

    Consider this: If the sun were replace by a black hole of the same mass, the gravitational pull on the earth would NOT change, we would continue to orbit. Granted the lack of light would present a few problems, but we would not be sucked in.

  8. The LHC is the biggest particle accelerator ever built. Some have speculated that because it will deal with energies that no other machine has dealt with, there is the possibility of unexpected things to occur. Some say it may create a micro Black Hole (which would evaporate extremely quickly if Stephen Hawking is correct about Hawking Radiation) or some kind of runaway explosion. I've also read that some think it could create a new Big Bang. Its all nonsense. It may be dealing with more energy than humans have ever experimented with, but it isn't doing anything that isn't already happening in space and, in some cases, our own upper atmosphere. It could malfunction if not built properly, but it isn't going to create any kind of doomsday scenario.
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