
Large Pony Hunters distances?

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What are the distances for large ponies over fences..I know what distances should be for horses but now train a large pony and would like to make sure i'm working with the distances that he will be presented with in a hunter class or a green pony hunter class




  1. Pony courses are usually laid out for pony strides:  10 feet per stride.  Other than that, it's the same as for horses.

    Bounce:  10 feet

    In and Out: 20 feet

    and so on.

  2. i would go with one stride less than the horse stride... or two... it's called the 'add' or the 'double add' in horsey terms... if you didnt know that...

    just make sure you know all of the horse strides for the lines and make the WHOLE COURSE the add or the double add...

    good luck!


  3. Depends on what you like :) You say its a large pony so if you push him enough he could make the horse strides. That may look sloppy though, I would add one stride for each jump. Depends.. If you are really going you could shoot for horse strides, but if you are just starting off take add a stride and it would look clean and collected.. which is what you want for hunters : )

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