
Large Wasp-like Insect Digging Holes in Untended Sandbox, What could they be?

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The insects are about the size of a wasp and look like one too but they are orange and black/dark brown. They burrow holes into the sand/dirt and there seem to be a few of them. The sandbox has not been cleaned in about 3 or 4 years. What could they be?




  1. cicada killer wasp or a very large wasp that makes a nest in the ground...there is usually a mound of dirt pushed up where she dug her nest (1 nest = 1 wasp)    there are smaller digger bees that also make there nest in the ground, they too are solitary insects but where one likes to nest others will too

  2. sand hornets

  3. It sounds like you have a yellow jacket invasion. Be careful if you try to exterminate them as they have about a dozen exits and entrances. The quickest way to get them agitated is to spray them with bug spray. The easiest and safest way is to locate some of the exits and turn on a garden hose about half way wit no pressure and let the water run in the hole. This is a natural way of life to them as it is almost the same as if it rained. This should flood the hive and destroy it. They should move on to another location. Before doing this make sure kids and pets are in the house and wear some protection on exposed skin and face and cover with heavy pants and a jacket just in case. We vacationed in Maine one year and my kid brother backed into a large rock and what a surprise we got. The yellow jackets had a nest in back of the rock and attacked with a vengeance when he moved it a little.  (He was driving on a permit at 16 years old) One of the old men in the area showed us how to get rid of them with the hose, It worked and no one was stung again.  

  4. probably hornets

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