
Large companies froze wages and destroyed jobs

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The wage devaluation made ​​in 2013. Whichever way you look at all the evidence points in that direction. One of the latest was learned Monday. Large companies froze the salary paid to 4.35 million workers had on average last year, according to the Tax Office. But these figures also shows that the devaluation is slowing in the last quarter wages advanced 0.6%. The same already won in the first month of this year, in January, although in this case the source is the record of the Ministry of Employment agreements.

The government no longer denies the wage devaluation, as did the responsible Hacienda, CristÃ_bal Montoro months. Now he defends, although euphemisms. " After accumulating a long period of very strong wage growth, the Spanish economy is currently conducting a setting that is essential for the correction of significant imbalances ", declared the Minister for Employment, Fatima Banez, in an interview with the magazine the National Union of Credit Cooperatives. However, Banez says that this is not a structural bet the Executive: "No one can argue that the model of Spain is the low wages. It is a strategy doomed to failure. "

Wage statistics in Spain are not great quality. And the government does nothing to clarify. Contrary. And that is one of the demands of Brussels. In the last year many of the data published registry agreements no longer diffuse, or disclosed to the social partners. And statistics as the Employment Situation Survey no longer developed. To change the situation, UPyD has filed a motion law in Congress to improve these statistics. But for now, things do not change and we must adhere to what is there. And between the two figures it is known on Monday: the Tax Agency, and recording agreements that are broadcast month to month.

The first is partial (corresponding to 4.3 million workers, where there are 12 million workers). Only reflects what happened in companies with over six million a year, which among other things cut 163,000 jobs. Instead, when data collecting Hacienda itself faithfully what happened in the income of employees. And that the wage freeze of the salaries of these companies in 2013.

It is also observed as the pressure has surged in recent months. Although as the Tax Agency explained, keep in mind that in the last quarter of 2012 was a general strike (November 15) and extra pay in public companies was abolished, and that makes do better in 2013 picture. That is, if the comparison had been homogeneous, probably freezing became fall, as it was in the previous year.

In Hacienda numbers also confirms what usually show other wage statistics sectors, in companies engaged in energy and water treatment which is performed best salaries. They have grown by 3%. By contrast, in the construction will have decreased by 0.6%.

With regard to the registration of agreements Monday the Ministry of Jobs released the data for January. For now, we can say that the year has started better. While in the first month of last year only 81 agreements were in force affecting 488,000 workers, in this year amounted to 246 treaties in force that protect nearly one million employees. As for the agreed salary, it grew by 0.6% (also better than 12 months, 0.37%).

In 2014 the term of the agreement ends wage moderation that unions and employers signed in 2012. Both UGT and CCOO have already warned that they are not willing to continue with the same wage policy.

 Tags: companies, destroyed, froze, jobs, wages


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