
Larry merchant vs. Jim lampley who wins?

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merchant is old but he still has the killer instinct




  1. ha ha id say larry merchant... Jim lampley can only beat up his wife so ill go with the old man.

  2. I heard about the upcoming bout. I am going to throw a ppv party when it comes up. Who can't wait for the bout between Jim "Lip Buster" Lampley vs Larry "Money" Merchant?

    I heard from the Lampley camp he is sparring everyday with his wife. She said, "Jim is throwing great combinations, works the body hard, and has a devestating left hook. Merchant ain't got s**t on my "Lip Buster". And come this June that God d**n mother f****g f****t is getting the s**t beat out of him!!!"

    When "Lip Buster" Lampley himself was asked about the fight, the always confident Lampley said, "Look, everybody knows Larry is a fast, strong, smart fighter, and he has never lost in the ring, I haven't either though. But he talks too much. He's an arrogant, self centered, loud mouth punk. The only reason nobody has ever shut him up yet, is because he has this fearsome unbeatable aura around him. The guy intimidates people, most people, but not me. When I was in prison I ate guys like him for breakfast. Tell him to bring the soap because by the end of the night he'll be holding my belt loop just like everybody else has."

    But the always animated Larry "Money" Merchant is quoted as saying, "All that little sissy "Lip Kisser" Lampley has ever done is run his mouth. I carried his a*s for years on HBO. If it weren't for me that little scum bag would be shining my $50,000 shoes. When I am kill him in that ring, I'll take his wife and make her my w***e and throw her out that dizzoor. I am the man, I am the king, I am a living God. You know what I'm sayin'?"

    He went on to say, "I MADE boxing what it is today. Do you think anybody would have sat through a Holyfield, Gatti, De La Hoya, Lewis, Tapia, or Jones fight if it weren't for me? No, people tuned because everybody wants more "Money". I f*****g MADE boxing what it is, ME! This June, I am going to show all of you who the man is if you didn't already know ... ME, Larry "Money" Merchant fool, you know what I'm sayin'? After I make "Lip Stick" Lampley take a dirt nap, I want Klitschko, I want Peter, I want to unify belts, I want anyone who has the f*****g b***s to step in the ring with me in that opposite corner. This is MY mother f*****g time, it's all about me in 2008. Ya heard?"

    So there is alot of tension and anomosity on both sides of this. it's going to be a fast pasted, bloody, action packed war like the Gatti-Ward trilogy.

    Lampley has a reach advantage with a telephone pole jab. He seems to keep throwing it and then, seemingly out of nowhere, he gets enraged and will beat you and accuse you of cheating on him until the cops come and pull him off you according to his wife. But Merchant just has raw power, so much emotion, and just scarey. Every punch is meant to kill. People always compare him to Dempsey, Marciano, Frazier, Tyson and Tua. Or ask those dream match ups like, "Who would win, Larry Merchant vs a prime Muhammad Ali?".

    How I see this going down is Merchant is going to come in like a hurricane and rock Lampley. Lampley will be out of his element for the first few rounds because he is not used to punching men. But if he can weather the storm and make the adjustments, he can get that jab pumping and pull off the upset. Larry Merchant has never gone 12 rounds due to his power and straigh forward style, so Lampley would have to tie him up and use alot of movement. Pull him into the deep water. If Lampley can make it 5 or 6 rounds, he's got it if he doesn't get sloppy, Merchant is always dangerous man. But, if Jim Lampley can fly into a jealous, drunken-like rage in the late rounds, he will win. That's my opinion anyways. But trust me, no matter who wins this fight, it is going to make so much money, there will be a Lampley-Merchant II.

  3. I would say Larry Merchant. Yeah,he is a drunk and likes to laugh/drool at his own 'witty ' comments,but Lampley married a genetic mutation with claw hands. He was told that if he had babies with his mutant wife that the kid would be born with claw hands,he did it anyway and the doctors were right. he is beating up his wife that has claw hands and that gave birth to his kid that has claw hands.

    Jim Lampley is a looser

    Larry Merchant wins...

  4. Merchant

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