
Las Vegas Cabana Rental Ettiquette

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Hello - Got a few questions here regarding cabana rentals in Vegas.

Our "group" of couples friends (6-8 couples) have taken an annual September trip to Las Vegas every year for a long time. We are all in our late-30's now and when we began we were mostly kidless 20-somethings with like economic means. 10 years later we're still very close friends, but our budgets are very different. $200 drinking by the pool all day is nothing for some, and a day's allowance for others.

Last year at the Mirage, we got a cabana for NFL Sunday. It was great, and we had an awesome time, but at the end of the day I got stuck with a $1K bill. I recouped about $600, but nowhere near what I was owed. I don't want to make a big deal, so I let it go. We're going to Mandalay Bay this year I don't want to make the same mistake.

* What is general gratuity on the cabana? Do you tip on the price of the cabana, or do you just tip on the food & drink service?

* Is it difficult or rude, to ask the attendant to keep separate tabs for each couple?

* How do you broach the subject of someone who didn't want to pay for the cabana, but continually sits themselves down to shoot the breeze, watch the game, etc. without pissing anyone off.

Thanks very much for any comments, experiences, or suggestions.




  1. I would go to the sportsbook in the casino where you are staying, bet on games and get free drinks from there.

    Another alternative is to stay in a suite and watch the games in your room.

    Don't order a cabana and see what happens.

  2. The best way to confront freeloaders is confront them up front and just tell everyone that there will be separate drink tabs and also a use fee share due up front from everyone.  Then after you collect from all others make sure everyone knows who the potential freeloaders are.  Just say in front of everyone, "Hay dude, give me your share NOW!"  In other words use the whole group to put pressure on and embarrass the freeloaders.  Freeloaders count on you not wanting to confront or embarrass them; don't worry about pissing them off, they don't worry about pissing YOU off.  And tell the person bringing drink the first time that its separate check and put your drinks on your room tab.

    You shouldn't have to tip for Cabana use, you tip for service in it. Like drinks brought and things like the attendant brings a round of fresh towels after you all take a dunk in the pool.

  3. Personally if you are "planning" on booking a Cabana, i would ask that everyone "pays you in advance" for the Cabana.  Just let them know that in order to make use of the Cabana it will cost (whatever the amount is divided by the number of couples) and that you are doing that to ensure that everyone is accomidated fairly.

    That way you can check off who has paid, and who has not paid, and then people have some time to allocate the appropriate amount of money for the trip.

    Then once you are there, let everyone start their own tab.

    Then tip ONLY on drink and food service.

    This approach takes a little bit more advance planning and follow up, but it helps so that there are no hard feelings, and so that everyone is treated fairly.

  4. -Gratuity at the Cabana is the same as anywhere else. Tip based on how much you spend at the Cabana. Almost everything they do for you costs extra money anyway. If you dont spend anything, then you should still throw them a little money in the begining to assure good service. Dont feel like you always have to tip though. A good chunk of their pay is built into the Cabana cost, but it never hurts YOU to give them a few bucks right off the bat. It will assure you get better service all day.

    - There will only be one bill for the Cabana itself, but you can ask for sperate bills for food and drink service. Or just pay in cash.

    That depends on you. There will always be "freeloaders". Most people have the common sense to offer to pay a little if they use the cabana. Like for example if someone is going to be watching the games, the least they could do is buy a few rounds of drinks. But broaching the subject is always difficult. Just ask them to pick up a round and they probably will get the hint.

    By the way, your idea is great. I have gotten cabanas before, but never for NFL sunday. We are going in September, and I may check into it.

  5. Before you go ALL of you should agree to the "rules of the road."  

    I have gone out to dinner with a group for several years and after realizing as we split equally the bill, that I was paying more since I did not drink, etc.  So I arrived early, actually called ahead, at the restaurant and ask for separate tickets.  We now have separate tickets and everyone pays their fair share.

    But the cabana is one bill and you should tip/pay for the drinks as you go.  I think that separate tickets for that many people is unfair to the server.  Check with the casino property what their policy is, because regardless of what the group decides, it is the cabana management that makes the final decision.

  6. Unless you can afford to pay for everything... I would tell the drink server to put you on a seperate bill... It gets too hard to try to break up the bill with several couples.. I used to do that but i got burned many times and its always a big ordeal.  Drinks are expensive.. So i don't tip on the dollar amount that i spend at vegas pool bars.. Only the service that i get...  I was just in vegas a few weeks ago and my bill for 2 was around $200 a day at the Belliago pool.   Also i wouldnt tip on the cabana for sure.. .only drink and food service! Im not sure how you can get the rest of the group to pay for the cabana.. thats a hard one!!  Someone is going to get stuck with paying that bill.

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