
Lasagna left i feel sick......will i get hurt?

by  |  earlier

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i left the lasagna out for about 8 hours (all night while i slept). this morning when i found out, i put it in the fridge. tonight i ate it for dinner and now i feel sick. i will surely die, yes?




  1. nahh, worst comes to worst you'll get very sick (most likely a bad case of the runs for the day or two)

  2. No.

    Have another beer.

  3. Get rid of it, it was left out all night at room temperature, meaning bacteria have had ideal conditions to grow.  (Time/Temperature Abuse)  If you reheat it, various toxins from certain bacteria could still be present.


    Thing is, the mold most likely ISN'T the problem, only a small % are actually harmful.   The main culprit is most likely bacteria which had time to grow.  Salmonella/E-coli/Listeria/Norovirus, ect.

    EDIT2:  Also, I feel I should warn you that the purpose of refrigeration is to keep bacterial populations low, refrigeration and freezing DO NOT KILL BACTERIA!  Since it was left out so long, a lot of microorganisms have had time to develop in your food, so refrigeration won't do much.  The bacteria will continue to grow or possibly form spores.

  4. no you will be fine.... I'm sure it's not the lasagna might be something Else! sorry.....

  5. No you will not get sick, it's all in your mind.

  6. Before the EMT comes, can I have your computer?

  7. No but you might be sick for a while for the mold that grew overnight.  Usually if you heat it up the problem wont occur but since it did just chug some pepto and at most a few days you'll be fine.

  8. No way, Cheese is mold. So A little extra cant kill you. Many believe the older the cheese the better the taste!!!! So the answer is NO you will not die.  

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