
Laser Eye Surgery Question?

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My Dad said im allowed to get laser eye surgery in a few years because of my short sightedness. I've heard about the different ways of doing the surgery, such has cutting a flap in the cornea and then using the laser to reshape it. Another one is where they scrape the top layer off and then doing the same thing with the laser.

What is the best procedure to have?

The ones where they cut/scrape the cornea look pretty scary and painful. Are there any procedures which dont have to do that?





  1. I had LASIK, that is where the cut the flap and it was not a big deal.  My eyes hurt for about 4 hours after surgery, not during it though because they give you eyedrops to numb your eyes.  It's really very fast.  I could see great the next day but I had problems with my eyes being dry and my vision going blurry off and on for a couple of weeks.  Now it's a month and I'm great.

    The other type of surgery where they have to scrape your eye is called PRK.  I am sure it hurts more and it requires a lot longer recovery but it still works.  I know a woman who had it done and she is really happy with it.

    Your eyes basically decide what type of surgery you need.  When you have a consultation, they look at your eyes and tell you what your options are.

  2. sorry mate - thats what laser surgery is, they have to cut or scrape in order to correct the vision. i know someone who had it done and they say they would never go back to glasses, so maybe its worth the discomfort for a few days. wouldn't work for me - my prescription changes too often to make the procedure worthwhile.

  3. hmm.i have never had laser eye surgery b4..

    but imma answer it anyways..


    i heard that the surgery just takes like 5 sec or something..and it the laswer surgery involves cutting ur eyes open..

    i dont think it will take 5 secs then..

    imi not sure.

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