
Laser Eye Vision Correction?

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If laser eye surgery is so widely available, list some reasons why so many people today still wear glasses and contacts if their vision is correctable.

I already know some factors; Cost and Young age, but what prevents everyone from getting it? What are some limiting factors? And why can't older people with failing vision have it restored to 20/20 with laser eye correction?




  1. Like you said, cost is always the biggest issue at the ophthalmology office I'm at. Insurance companies won't cover it (they just don't see putting up that kind of money, even though it would definitely pay off in the long run).

    There can be a lot of limiting factors, such as underlying corneal issues or general eye health issues that may contraindicate the surgery.

    Older people with "failing vision" can still get Lasik, but what most get is called monovision (one eye corrected for near, one eye for distance). It's hard for many to adjust to. And, ultimately, they usually end of needing reading glasses anyway due to the loss of accommodation with presbyopia. Older people may have other issues, such as cataracts or macular degeneration that makes their vision the way it is. There are new lens implants out now for cataract surgery that better corrects people of that age, as opposed to Lasik.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Some vision problems are not correctable with laser surgery.  I am nearsighted, and wear glasses.  I can't have laser surgery because I also have keratoconus, so my corneas are too thin for surgery.

    I only know of this particular example because I have it and have been told by several eye doctors that I am not candidate for lasik vision correction.  I'm sure that there are several other eye conditions that are contraindicators for laser surgery as well.

  3. 1. Suitability according to your personal eye parameters. Not everyone is suitable for surgery.

    2. With middle age individuals, laser will only rectified distance vision but not reading.  Multifocal lens implant is the alternative.

    3.Other refractive procedures such as lens implant and Lasek are also available.  It is case dependent.

    Dr. Yeoh Phee Liang

    Consultant Eye Surgeon

  4. If I could get a surgery to shoot laser beemz from my eyes, that would be frigging sweet.

  5. You are right.  Cost and age of the patient are two major factors.  There are also other factors such as how thin the cornea (outer layer of the eye) is.  If it is too thin, it will not be able to withstand the laser.  Large pupils can cause problems as well as one could have significant glare problems which could limit night driving after the procedure.  People in their 40's will still need reading glasses as the laser does not correct their inability to focus on fine print.  In fact, it will make them more dependent so many opt not to put out the money.  People who have dry eyes to begin with can expect them to be even more dry afterwards.  And in answer to why the older people can't have it corrected..well..number one, if they have the beginnings of cataract which technically anyone over the age of 50 has that can have a slight limitation.  After the age of approximately 44 or so, the muscles that used to allow the lens to focus both for distance and near lose their function.  The lens in the eye becomes stiffer and harder to adapt to both near and far..and so if they are corrected to have great distance vision after that age, it will not make those muscles work any differently so that is why they still have to wear glasses for reading.  Sorry...long explanation.  Hope it was useful.

  6. In short, limitations of technology and when risk exceeds benefit.

    Some common reasons why we don't treat patients with laser:

    1. Unreasonable expectations: patients believe this is magic, all we can do is replace contact lenses/glasses, not make vision 'better'. (Leave well alone)

    2. Cataracts: no point is lasering a patient when the lens is clouding over. Best to replace the natural lens with an artificial one as well as correct the prescription at the same time in one operation. (Answer: Phaco IOL operation)

    3. Kerataconus: a corneal disease that progressively weakens the eye. Thinning the corneal tissue to correct prescription further weakens the cornea. Zero end sum, you are only going to progress the diease further. (C3R Collagen Crosslinking)

    4. No prescription! Believe it or not, but about 10% of the patients who have consultations have nothing wrong and / or are getting onto Reading glasses stage. Many are not prepared to risk an induced monovision treatment and go back to reading glasses.

    5. Previous treatment: Older treatments like RK have damaged the cornea beyond repair. (Answer, live with what is there or potentially a corneal graft)

    6. Other reasons take up minor percentages: some have mental conditions which don't allow them to make an informed consent, some have auto-immune diseases that make them too risky to treat, some have other eye diseases that make laser unviable. And ultimately, there are some patients who don't want to entertain the risks and / or are not motivated enough to want the risk treatment.

    In answer to 20/20 restoration. It is not only the corneas which 'sees'. You have the eye, nerves and brain to deal with. Older people are susceptible to AMD, when the macula starts to die, the light cannot be processed and forwarded onto the brain. Likewise, if there is nerve or muscle damage from an early age 'lazy eye', 'strabismus' and the like, the person simply does not have the potential to reach 20/20.

    Hope this provides a few answers to a fairly broad question.

  7. I rather wear glasses and i do and they can make a mistake and mess your eye up and if you choose to wear glasses than you should try to find a look that makes you look cute with them i found away to put my hair in a bun on the side and hang my bangs down

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