
Laser guided cues?

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I was wondering if laser guided cues can actually help me improve my billiard game? Have they worked for you? Is there a laser cue or laser guided products which you have found the most helpful for your pool game?




  1. do any of the top pro use it?  No.  so it's likely junk.

  2. There are a few different types of products out there, but I have not tried any of them personally.  One has the laser built in to the cue.  The cue itself is probably not high quality and I have not heard or read any great reviews for it.  The second product I've seen is a laser that you can slip over your cue.  I'm not sure how heavy it is, so that could alter your stroke, but it looks like it provides immediate feedback on whether or not you're stroking straight.  Then there is Joe Tucker's laser trainer.  This isn't for the cue so much as it is for you to determine where you're aiming exactly.  I've tried some of Joe's other products and a lot of good pool players like them.  I wouldn't expect anything less from his latest invention.

  3. I can't imagine trying something like that, it would be a pain in the rear.  You'd have to make sure you have the cue held with the lazer on the top all the time, you turn the cue in your hand and you're aim would be off a little.  Not worth bothering with.

  4. Laser guided cue = junk

    I think the black widow came out with a laser guide system for aiming a while back that looked pretty cool, but I never used it.

  5. i can show u where to hit the cue all day long... you still got to stroke it right to hit it.  i would say its a money gimmick. if you need a laser to sight something 4-6 inches away ummm yeah .   plus i could see it getting in the way and throwing off balance of my cue more then anything,,,,
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