
Lasik...Must have a second corrective procedure. Anyone else?

by Guest67277  |  earlier

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I had Lasik surgery about 6 months ago and must have it done again because one eye was not corrected enough. Has anyone else had a second procedure? If so, was the second one satisfactory? Should I demand a discount?




  1. The likelihood of needing a second procedure, the risks involved, and whether that would be a new contract, covered as completion of the first treatment, or somewhere in-between, should have been made very clear in the comprehensive paperwork your should have gone through (and signed) before the first procedure.

    Something is slightly off, even if it's only poor communication, if you weren't clear on this before you had the first Lasik.

    Do you still have a copy of the waivers and information sheets you were given?  

    A second procedure has no greater risk than the first one, assuming there is still adequate corneal thickness with which to work.

  2. My mom was one of the first to have Lasik done on her, and her eyesight has gradually gotten worse and now uses my dad's old pair of glasses when she drives. Did you sign anything saying that you couldn't get a discount on a second procedure, or that sometimes it doesn't work, and you have to deal with it, as long as your sight isn't taken completely? If not, I would see if you could get a discount. If you did, I think you are SOL.

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