
Lasik eye surgery!?

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I am going to see a Lasik eye surgon on Thursday for my console and I wanted to know how much is it going to cost or anything I should be concerned about?If you have gone through the process please let me know cause me eyes are my window to my soul.




  1. You need to get online and research all of the different lasik providers in your area.  You need to research all the risks, the different types of procedures, etc.  The costs vary greatly depending on where you go.  When I had mine done, I preferred to go to a place that specialized in Lasik, had the newest equipment and only does intralase (for the flap).  The cutting of the flap was the reason for so many bad side effects such as halo's before, so only have intralase done!!

  2. If you are under the age of 21 DON'T GET IT DONE! My friend works at an optemologist and said that if you do get it before the age of 21 by the time you are 40 your eyes will be worse again. Another friend got her's done at 18 and is at 24 already having problems seeing again.

  3. I can't guide on cost as this varies depending on the level of treatment. E.g. I had to have LASEK treatment as I have thin corneas and large pupils so this cost more than the basic treatment. I'm also in the UK so my price would bear no relevance as I assume you are in the US.

    With regards to age for surgery I think the best thing to do is listen to the consultant rather than people who usually tend to tell you the bad things.

    My consultant wouldn't consider anyone upto 21 on the basis that eyes are changing up to that age. After that they need to see 2 eye test prescriptions that have no change before considering them.

    With regards to deterioration with age this is probably inevitable. When you reach 40 your eyes start to harden off (muscles become less elastic etc) so they don't work quite as well. I had short sight and was advised that I might have to wear reading glasses (for longsight) beyond 40.

    However, I had the surgery as a 40th birthday present after wearing glasses for 20 years. I've been glasses free for a year now and my sight is still perfect.

    I can't recommend the surgery enough, it really did change my life.

    Go for it!
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