
Last 48 hours?

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imagine if you only had 48 hours of life...what would you do?




  1. walk around naked, in public

  2. Say and do everything I was ever held back on.

    Live life as if i could can do just about anything.

  3. i don't know what i would do exactly but the rule of law would no longer be important now would it.

  4. living my life the way i want to

  5. freak out, lets be honest now some one says you have two days to live, you'll probably spend most of it panicking

  6. I will continue my routine as it is, thinking that I may survive more than 48 hours

  7. Probably rob a bank.

  8. Enjoy it, without worrying about the future. Focusing on the present moment, and spending it with loved ones.
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