
Last Call of Desperation, Emancipation

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I live in Kentucky, and live in a stressful and abusive environment. My father does drugs and is mentally abusive. But because it's only mental abuse, the child protection services won't do anything here. I've tried thousands of times.

I need to know if I can get my mom to sign my marriage license, does that mean I'd be emancipated at 17 and can move out and get a job and live with my husband? It's really all I have left, and there are not many emancipation laws in Kentucky for my situation. Please, could this work?




  1. If legally married, you are emancipated.  Get your mom to sign the license.  

  2. Hey Kel - make sure you love this guy - your young and it would be substituting a bad situation for another if you were using marriage to solve your home life.

    Also - when do you turn 18???  That's freedom date - without complicating things further.

  3. Your best advice will come from knowledgable people who know the agencies and resources in your area. It sounds like your mom needs out, too. Find the women's center or family violence shelter in your city or county. Just go talk to someone there. You're not committed to anything by doing that. Just go down and see what they can tell you. They may even have some pull with Legal Aid to help get you mom out of that mess, if she wants out. If she doesn't, she's an adult, and it may be up to you to save your sister by talking with child protective services.

    It's real common for the oldest child to feel responsible for a mother who stays in a bad place and their siblings and to let themselves be harmed by trying to keep it together. And getting married is more likely than not to (1) just trade one bad deal for another and (2) leave mom and sister to take the abuse.

    Go down to the shelter. Call 3-1-1, and they'll direct you. Or call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) and they will give you the local number. Call, even if it's not right there in your town. They often have local offices and staff.  

  4. Have her sign the paper, elope, run away, try them all if you feel unsafe at home. Have you tried calling the cops yet?

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