
Last Episode of Criminal Minds Last Night On LivingTV?

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I can't believe the car blew up I swear it was either reids or prentiss' cos they were the only ones who had older model 4x4's but I don't know and then they have left it as a cliffhanger until the next season because they ain't caught that gang shooting random people and now I can't wait until the next season and it is getting on my nerves.





  1. oh noooo i hope its not Reids

  2. Well i defenitely don't think it will be Garcia as she has already been shot, i honestly think it might be JJ. My theory is - she is pregnant in real life so maybe she has decided to leave the show and does not want to return. I hope its not Reid or Morgan, i could cope with losing the new guy from the show, not to keen on him, I miss Gideon and Elle although i do like Prentiss.

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