
Last Lines Of "Miss Mary Had A Steamboat"?

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Miss Mary had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell

Miss Mary went to heaven, the steamboat went to-

Hello Operator, give me number nine,

And if you disconnect me, I'll chop off your-

Behind the 'fridgerator, there was a piece of glass,

Miss Mary sat upon it, and broke her little-

Ask me no more questions, tell me no more lies,

The girls are in the boys room, zipping down their-

Flies are in the kitchen, bees are in the park,

--------------------------------------... now what?




  1. I think the song is called Ms. Susie.

    .. Ms. Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the D-A-R-K D-A-R-K dark dark

    dark is like a movie

    a movie's like a show

    a show is like a tv show and that is all I know

  2. miss mary and her boyfriend

    are kissing in the dark

    it's like a movie

    a movie's like a show

    a show is like a cartoon

    and that is all i know

    i know i know my ma

    i know i know my pa

    i know i know my sister with the 80 meter bra

    i saw her in the bathtub

    i saw her in the sea

    i saw her in the swimming pool

    going pee pee pee

    my mother gave me nickel

    my father gave me a dime

    my sister gave me love boy, and i kissed him all the time

    my mother took the nickel,

    my father took the dime

    my sister took back lover boy and gave me Frankenstein

    he made me so the dishes

    me made me scrub the floor

    be made me wash his underwear

    so i kicked him out the door.

    he flew across the ocean,

    he flew across the sea,

    he flew across america

    and landed in maui.

    I know a lot of people do it differently...this is how we do it where i live.

    : )

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