
Last Resort...?

by Guest64226  |  earlier

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I am failing all my classes and I have absolutely no Idea why..

I'm pretty smart and I can do all the work..yet I allow myself to fail..when it comes to school I totally Zone Out..I don't even act like myself anymore..I skip class and I'm very disrespectful to all my teachers and sometimes my class mates..My hatred towards School is turning me Into something I don't want to be...and I don't Know what to do anymore...




  1. you are failing because you are skipping class, you cant pass if you dont go to school, harsh reality. quit the videogames, boyfriends, booze and drugs if any and you shall improve

  2. First of all I think you should stop telling yourself you hate school. This is like brainwashing and you will actually believe it so much that it is hard for you to stand school at all. Tell yourself over and over again that school is a very important part of your life and that it is OK to be there and that you are happy there. That is reprogramming your feelings about school. It sounds kind of ridiculous but it works.

    Maybe you should get some professional help for that and for finding why you hate school so much.

  3. Go to your consulors...if you don't have any tutoring at your school, ask you consulors for after school help.

    I was in your shoes before, so I would go to tutorial. Even if I didn't pay attention in class I could catch up then. Good Luck sweety!

  4. Get counseling to find out why you make the choices you do.

  5. ewwww that happened to me this year.......except the being mean to teachers i am nice person. but still, i have wicked high IQ, and very smart, but I never do HW and I have skipped school like 37 times this year(including right now) and i dont know why....i hope its just a phase

    good luck

  6. seek professional help, its seems that you are aware of the problem but you dont know how to handle it. you cannot do it on your own unless you seek some therapy of some sort. good luck.

  7. Talk to your parents, guidance counciler, teacher or principal.

    You have already taken the first step and that is realizing you have a problem.

    Talk to an adult and they can help you. Good luck

  8. Find a church, an Assembly of God is amazing when it comes to kids/teens. It's a great way to build your self-esteem. I usually try not to relate all my advice relating to church, but that is the first thing that came to my mind, was to suggest church. I am a young mom, only 36 and I have a 17 year old. Most kids think I am a cool mom, and look up to me the majority of the time.

    If your not comfortable doing that, go to a Christian book store, and get a kid/teenage bible, browse their books. They have some inspiring magazines.

    You could even go to my church website and take a look around, and click on "everfree" that is the youth group. Also, the youth group has "live" webcasts on Monday at 7:00 p.m. You can also link to anyone's blog and ask them questions. I know everyone of those kids, and they are amazing and they DO NOT judge at all!!

    Give it a try, you have nothing to loose.

    Check it out, you have nothing to loose.

    You have nothing to loose?
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